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The Kudough Credit Status is Kudough's measure of your credit worthiness and the structure of your credit profile.

Your Kudough Credit Status is a ranking which plots you from A+ (Excellent) to an F (Poor) which will help you understand and manage your creditworthiness.

The Status is created by combining your Credit Scores from 1 or multiple credit bureaus. With this information you are able to construct a 360 degree view of your credit standing

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As a Kudough Subscriber you get goals set and tracked that are guaranteed to improve your Status.

Call our credit coaches to help guide you on your journey.

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Improving your credit status or maintaining and protecting a good status is imperative. Your Kudough journey is a virtual representation of your monthly progress (Kudough Status).

Your credit worthiness may improve or get worse over time depending on your credit activities and if you have kept up to date with your account payments.

Follow the goals identified just for you and we guarantee your Status Improvement, or your money back

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Depending on your current status and the factors that are impacting your status like your score, judgements and arrears, you could see improvements as soon as 3 months from starting or it may take as long as 6 months to see an improvement.

The important thing is to action the goals identified for you and your status.

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