Help Centre


3 Questions in this collection

You can have your password sent to your email.

Click on the “forgot?” button on the sign in page.

Input your ID number and email address and you will receive an email link to reset your password.

You can also call our Call Centre to assist with resetting your password.

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You can change your password at any time by going to Your Profile section of the Kudough website or you can click on the “forgot?” button on the top right navigation.

Input your username and ID number; answer your security question and an email will be sent to you with a randomly generated password, which you will be forced to change once you have logged in.

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The Identity Verification step ensures your personal information security. You can attempt Identity Verification twice every 24 hours. So if you failed today you can try again tomorrow.

Alternatively, you can contact the Kudough call centre who will take you through manual verification process.


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