Blossoming Credit Scores.

Written by Mario Havemann | Updated 2023/09/21
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Blossoming Credit Scores.

As the winter chill begins to fade and the flowers start to bloom, it's not just your home that could use a good spring cleaning. Your finances, particularly your Credit Score, can also benefit from a seasonal refresh. Just as you declutter your living space, it's essential to give your Credit Score a thorough check and clean to ensure it improves before 2023 comes to an end. Below, we explore some essential steps to help you start your Credit Score spring cleaning:

Step 1. Review Your Credit Report

The first step in any Credit spring cleaning is to pull your Credit Report from all 4 major Credit bureaus: XDS, Experian, VCCB, and TransUnion. Log in to Kudough to view your Free report from XDS, and upgrade to get a side-by-side from all 4 Credit Bureaus.

Carefully examine your Credit Report for errors, discrepancies, or fraudulent accounts. Any incorrect information can negatively impact your Credit score. If you spot inaccuracies, ensure you dispute them with the respective Credit bureau to have them corrected.

Step 2. Assess Your Debt Utilisation

Your Debt utilisation ratio is a crucial factor in determining your Credit Score. It represents the percentage of your available Credit that you're using. Aim to keep your Debt utilisation below 60% to maintain a healthy credit profile which will have a positive impact on your Credit score.

Step 3. Pay Your Bills on Time

Consistently paying your bills on time is one of the most critical factors in maintaining a healthy Credit score. Late payments can stay on your Credit Report for up to two years and have a substantial negative impact.

Set up reminders or automatic payments to ensure you never miss a due date. If you have trouble making payments on time, contact your Creditors to explore options such as payment plans to ensure these don’t have further impact to your credit score.

Step 4. Reduce Your Debt

High debt balances can be a significant impact your Credit score. As part of your spring cleaning efforts, create a plan to reduce your debt within your means. Start by paying off debt with the highest interest rates, and gradually work your way through your debts.

Alternatively if you are unable to meet your monthly debt repayments before you fall too far behind, you could consider debt consolidation there are multiple benefits such as lower-interest rates, protection of your assets,  and will keep creditors hassling you for money month after month.

Step 5. Avoid Opening Too Many New Accounts

Each time you apply for a new Credit account, a hard Enquiry is placed on your Credit Report. Too many hard inquiries can lower your Credit score as it appear you are applying consistently. Be selective when applying for new Credit and only open accounts when necessary.

Step 6. Keep Old Accounts Open

The length of your Credit history plays a role in your Credit score. Closing an old Credit accounts can shorten your Credit history, potentially resulting in lowering your Credit Score. If you have old, unused Credit card, consider keeping them open, even if you don't use them regularly as long as they are in a positive balance this will help maintain a longer Credit history.

Step 7. Monitor Your Credit Score Regularly

After your spring cleaning efforts, it's essential to continue monitoring your Credit throughout the year. With Kudough you can get your monthly Credit Report from all 4 major Credit bureau’s with our premium subscription.

By regularly monitoring your Credit, you can quickly spot and address any issues that may arise, ensuring your Credit profile remains healthy across all 4 major Credit bureaus in South Africa.


By following these simple steps above and maintaining good Credit habits all year-round, you can ensure that your Credit Score blossoms and open’s doors to better financial opportunities.

Happy spring cleaning from Kudough!